
Increase Palatability with SBS Pet®

Past research has shown that cats tend to prefer food with an acid pH over neutral or alkaline foods, a driving factor in the use of acids in animal digest and palatability enhancers.

To determine the effects of SBS Pet® on the palatability of cat food, a major U.S. pet food manufacturer performed a standard two-bowl palatability test utilizing twenty cats for two days at an independent animal testing facility. A typical chicken-and-rice-based extruded cat food containing either 0.9% sodium bisulfate (SBS Pet) or 0.8% phosphoric acid was tested.

The cats’ first choice preference and total consumption were monitored. Data demonstrated a numerical trend toward the diet containing SBS Pet in both observations. In fact, the SBS Pet™ diet was chosen 2.25:1 over the phosphoric acid diet and had a 1.42:1 food consumption ratio* (Figures 1 and 2) (*2 day period and total consumption of 20 cats).

Palatability tests on animals generate information on preference and amount consumed. However, they do not tell specifics about the taste.

Food consumption chart

Preference toward diet


An Acidifier Taste Test

A flavor evaluation was conducted by Sensory Spectrum, Inc. Chatham, NJ, to compare the flavor profiles of sodium bisulfate (SBS Pet) with citric, malic, and phosphoric acids (Figure 3).

The acid solutions were evaluated at low, medium, and high concentrations and the sodium bisulfate solution was found to have a very clean, sour flavor that was more intense than other acids. These results indicate that SBS Pet has a higher sour intensity than phosphoric, citric and malic acids. (Figure 4). No bitter taste was associated with sodium bisulfate or phosphoric acid.

SBS Pet can improve palatability with a clean, tart flavor. A higher sour intensity means lower concentrations in your pet food formulas

Figure 3 Profile comparison
Sour Intensity chart

Interested in using SBS Pet® in your pet food or treat formulation?

Contact us to discuss your pet food formulation needs or request a sample.

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